All residents registering with the campaign receive a free local activity pass for themselves and a friend. They can also get personalised support and enter a prize draw for an iPad, Fitbit or £100 clothing voucher.

And the good news is, you don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to take part! 

It’s easy to feel daunted by physical activity.  But just half an hour of activity that gets you moving and raises your heart rate, a few days a week, can have enormous health benefits. You can even break it down into 10 minute chunks to help you fit it into your day.

Staying active keeps our body strong, our mind sharp and gives us more energy to keep doing the things we love.

James Marrington suffered a stroke shortly after retirement.  He said: “Exercise has always been important to me so this was a huge adjustment.

“But I didn’t let it hold me back. I started by walking short distances and gradually built up from there.

“Anyone can do it, don’t give up! You’ll not do any harm but you will make new friends, get the endorphins going and feel fitter!”

Whether it’s gardening, a free walking group, a class at the local leisure centre or the occasional swim or bike-ride, there are plenty of great ways you can be active.

Never Too Late is part of Hertfordshire’s Year of Physical Acivity and is being launched on 23 April 2018 by Hertfordshire County Council, in partnership with organisations across the county.

Sign up at:

Alternatively drop into your local library or call HertsHelp on 0300 123 4044 for help to sign up.