The skydive was beyond words! I survived and thrived. Proving to myself that recovery and continued personal development are the key to my happiness. I feel so grateful to have been given this opportunity & to everyone who has donated or sent support!


, so read on as to why you may want to donate...

We’re going to raise as much as we can for The Living Room. Any amount we raise will make HUGE differences. The money will help support people, like myself, who are in recovery and are seeking support and treatment for their respective addictions.

Every year The Living Room help around 500 adults in Hertfordshire living with addiction, anything from drugs, alcohol and addictive behaviours such gambling and disordered eating. They also help the family and carers of loved ones living in with addiction.

The Living Room has provided me with a consistent place where I can safely express and explore emotions, which bolstered my healing journey through group therapy, workshops and self-discovery.

Many still believe it is taboo to suffer with addiction and the shame around hiding this can make it worse, I know for myself.

Donating is fast, easy and secure so please give generously. Please share with friends and family on Facebook, Tik Tok & X and ANYWHERE else, so we can reach my target and together we can help The Living Room do more.

Thank you for taking your time to read this and support those who are fighting to start new lives.

Remember to share about this mission to all...  "Addiction triumphs when you stay silent"

If you wish to donate through a JustGiving Page the following link will take you there:

Alex M