Yorkshire Three Peaks Fundraising Page

Penny Driscoll

I'm raising money for The Living Room because I believe in the work they do and I want to support them in continuing breaking the cycle of addiction in Hertfordshire.

Cytiva Stevenage Fundraising

Shaye Awon

I'm raising money for The Living Room because I believe in the work they do and I want to support them in continuing breaking the cycle of addiction in Hertfordshire.

Mark's Marathon of Marathons

Mark Flanagan

The Living Room have a special place in my heart...

I suffered various traumas in my life that I had never got help for so whilst growing up I turned to alcohol and other drugs to numb the pain. This lead me into the trap of addiction, which was an ongoing battle for years..

The Living Room helped me when I most needed it! They have saved so many lives and bought families back together by offering free therapy sessions, group therapy, workshops, art therapy, days out, and lots

Alex's Long Jump for Big Change

Alex M

I want to give back and help others as The Living Room charity has helped me. I have first hand experience of addictive behaviours and their support in changing my life has been fundamental to my recovery. I wish that the service had greater funding to provide more people with a life changing opportunity and support.

Evie, Tracy, James, George and John Sleep Out 2023

John Kelly

I'm raising money for The Living Room because I believe in the work they do and I want to support them in continuing breaking the cycle of addiction in Hertfordshire and to support local homeless charities.

Kate 's fundraising page

Kate Hazeldene

I'm raising money for The Living Room because I believe in the work they do and I want to support them in continuing breaking the cycle of addiction in Hertfordshire.