News and events News Carers Week 2022 7th June 2022 Carers Week is a yearly campaign that brings attention to caring, highlights the issues that unpaid caregivers endure, and recognises their impact on families and communities across the UK. Thousands of individuals and organisations come together to support caregivers and highlight the crucial role caregivers play in our communities, and raise attention to the importance of caring. ~ In 2022, the theme this year for Carers Weeks is to make caring Visible, Valued & Supported. Society must recognise unpaid caregivers for their challenges, acknowledge them for all they do, and give information and the assistance they require to care securely. The pandemic amplified already-existing strains on caregivers. Many people have had to take on additional or new caring obligations for family members and friends who cannot care for themselves due to ill health, disability, or old age. This also includes carers who are caring for loved ones with addictions, which sometimes either go unnoticed or slips under the radar. ~ ~ At The Living Room, we understand how addiction affects the entire family — your loved one's hardship leads to your own. These situations can trigger breakdowns in relationships, and worst yet, they can be the root of negative feelings that you cannot share with others. This results to family and caregivers becoming increasingly secluded and removed from society. As a local charity, we're here to help caregivers break free from the despair that can overtake them and help develop healthy relationships with their loved ones, so reaching out to more people is critical to us. So if you find yourself in this situation and you're looking for support and guidance, don't brush it off, and don't wait. Please pick up the phone and call us at 0300 365 0304. ~ Manage Cookie Preferences