News and events News Creative writing course reaps rewards 27th June 2019 Our clients' creative writing achievements have been recognised at a prestigious awards ceremony at Hatfield House. Throughout the year, Hertfordshire Adult and Family Learning Service (HAFLs) have been running weekly courses with our clients to help with them unlock their creative writing skills. It's turned out to be a hugely beneficial scheme. Bryn Smale, our counsellor who led the creative writing course alongside HAFLS, said, "HAFLS brought with them a wealth of professionalism, humanity and compassion which is entirely in line with our way of working with clients. The course helped them to discover a pool of untapped creativity, which in turn has helped to boost their levels of confidence and self-esteem. It's been such a worth-while enterprise." Last night, clients who have benefited from the course attended HAFLs 2019 Achievement Awards and were delighted to win second prize in the Group category, a recognition of the fantastic progress everyone on the course had made. Carl Duke, TLR's lead counsellor, said, "Tonight's ceremony has helped our clients to feel truly proud about what they have achieved and showed other people in our community what The Living Room is all about." For more information about HAFLS courses, please visit their website The 2019 HAFLs Achievement Award event took place in superb Old Palace, Hatfield House Manage Cookie Preferences