How we help Onward Referrals General support Anne Robson Trust 0808 801 0688 Beacon 0300 0115 555 Bereavement UK British Red Cross 0344 871 11 11 Care 4 Freedom (Hoarding Help) 01727 834 557 Citizens Advice 03444 111 444 Cruse 0808 808 1677 HertsHelp 0300 123 4044 Hertfordshire Family Centre Service 0300 123 7572 Hertfordshire Modern Slavery Partnership 08000 121 700 Hertfordshire Sexual Health 0300 008 5522 Modern Slavery Helpline 08000 121 700 North Herts Minority Ethnic Forum 01462 440 224 St Albans Credit Union 01727 859 135 StepChange 0800 138 1111 Stevenage Credit Union 01438 740 844 Stevenage World Forum 01438 369 600 The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living 01462 678 804 The Counselling Foundation 0300 303 6690 The Way Foundation UK Care Guide Watford African Caribbean Association 01923 750 975 Wellbeing Service HPFT 0300 777 0707 Manage Cookie Preferences